That's a Good Question
That's A Good Question is a podcast that answers questions you have about the Christian faith from pastors at Peace Church. This podcast is published on Tuesdays each week.
Go to peacechurch.cc/question to submit a question for yourself.
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That's a Good Question
Faith and Politics: Challenging the Lie That Christians Should Stay Silent
In this captivating episode of "That's a Good Question," hosts Jon Delger, the Executive Pastor of Teaching at Peace Church, and Mitchell Leach, the Community Pastor at Peace, challenge the common cultural belief that Christians should avoid involvement in the political sphere. The hosts explore the intersection of Christianity and politics, what Scripture says about the role of Christians in the public square, and why our biblical values can influence positive change in society. Join us as we discuss how to engage in political conversations with grace, conviction, and a gospel-centered perspective.
To find more gospel-centered resources head to https://www.resoundmedia.cc