That's a Good Question
That's A Good Question is a podcast that answers questions you have about the Christian faith from pastors at Peace Church. This podcast is published on Tuesdays each week.
Go to peacechurch.cc/question to submit a question for yourself.
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That's a Good Question
Does the Jewish Bible Reveal Jesus?: A Conversation with David Brickner
In this captivating episode of “That’s a Good Question,” hosts Jon Delger, the Executive Pastor of Teaching at Peace Church, and Mitchell Leach, the Community Pastor at Peace, sit down with David Brickner, the Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors at Jews for Jesus, and author several books, including his newest book, Does the Jewish Bible Point to Jesus. From the rise of anti-Semitism and its roots, to practical insights on sharing the gospel with Jewish friends, this episode goes where others won’t. If you’ve ever wrestled with the intersection of Christianity, Judaism, and history — or wondered how the Bible’s story connects it all — this is the episode for you.
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Jews for Jesus
Orthodox Jews React to Isaiah 53
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