That's a Good Question
That's A Good Question is a podcast that answers questions you have about the Christian faith from pastors at Peace Church. This podcast is published on Tuesdays each week.
Go to peacechurch.cc/question to submit a question for yourself.
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That's a Good Question
Jesus vs. Culture: The Hard Truth
Culture screams one thing. Jesus says another. And the gap between the two is growing wider by the day. But where does Jesus really stand on the issues that are shaking our world? In this fascinating episode of “That’s a Good Question,” hosts Jon Delger, the Executive Pastor of Teaching at Peace Church, and Mitchell Leach, the Community Pastor at Peace, tackle the questions that hit at the core of our beliefs. From whether Jesus descended to hell, to the controversial topics of sexuality, and even the debate over singing the national anthem in church — we’re diving into the hard truths that rub against the grain of cultural ideals.
Will you face these hard truths? When culture pushes compromise, will you have the courage to stand firm in what you believe? It's time to confront the tensions that challenge our faith. Buckle up.
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